Published 20. April 2023
Apprenticeship as a way of life – we are there
Training has never been as valuable as it is today. Not only the increasing shortage of skilled workers, but also the changes in the economy and technology make it necessary for companies to rethink. Lm-therm has set itself the goal of inspiring young people, but also career changers and dropouts, to take up dual training. The trend towards studying is still unbroken. However, an economy only works with all the cogs.
For this reason, Lm-therm supports the current training campaign Jetzt #könnenlernen of the IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) and invites all pupils and people who want to switch or have dropped out of studies to immerse themselves in the apprenticeship lifestyle. As a certified training company, we offer people of all ages the opportunity to train as an electronics technician for devices and systems (m/f/d), industrial clerk (m/f/d) and foreign language industrial clerk (m/f/d) in our company.
Apprenticeship at Lm-therm – well supported into professional life
For years now, Lm-therm has accompanied young people into professional life. Some of them liked it so much with us that they still work with us today. For Lm-therm, training means all-round support and the complete integration of trainees into the company’s daily routine. Our trainers take care to teach the trainees the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities and to give them a practical orientation. We also see dual training as a chance to make a career – even without studying. “Continuous training and development is part of our corporate philosophy. We encourage our employees in their desire to develop professionally, to open up new horizons for themselves and to support other areas at Lm-therm. Only their motivation, commitment and satisfaction and their long-term commitment to our company also ensure the high quality of our products,” says Chief Operating Officer Manfred Sedlmair.