Published 22. July 2024
Lm-therm supports sports club

Lm-therm supports sports club: Supporting regional clubs is important to us. In this way, we not only support the region, but also promote local talent. With a donation of 1,000 euros to the regional sports club RSV Walchsing, Lm-therm is underlining its commitment to promoting regional sport and youth work. “Supporting regional clubs is important to us,” explains Franz Achter, CEO of Lm-therm. “Sports clubs make a valuable contribution to the community and to the development of young people. That’s why it’s important to us to support this important work.” The donation of 1,000 euros is intended to help improve the work of the club and continue to promote talent.
Sponsor and secure employer in the region
Lm-therm is not only recognized as a safe employer in the region, but also for its commitment to various social projects such as technology for children and sponsoring activities. The company employs around 50 people and makes a significant contribution to the economic stability
of the region. Supporting regional associations and initiatives is an integral part of Lm-therm’s corporate philosophy.
In addition to financial support, Lm-therm is also committed to the long-term development of the region. “We see it as our responsibility to make a contribution to the community,” emphasizes Manfred Sedlmair, Operations Manager at Lm-therm. “Strong regional cohesion and the promotion of talent are essential for a positive future.”
Social commitment and support
The donation to RSV Walchsing is another example of Lm-therm’s social commitment. The company plans to continue supporting similar projects in the future to help the region. “We will continue to invest in the community and help to ensure that our region remains strong and worth living in,” promises Franz Achter, CEO of Lm-therm.
This donation shows how companies and associations can work hand in hand to improve the quality of life in the region and bring about positive change. Lm-therm remains a reliable partner for regional sport and the community – today and in the future.
Caption: Youth section of the RSV Walchsing with Franz Achter, CEO of Lm-therm