Published 9. January 2023

Management thanks its employees

Management thanks its employees: Two Lm-therm employees recently celebrated 25 years with the company. The two employees are rightly considered to be veterans. After all, they have been with the company since its foundation, reliably and with a high level of commitment. Manfred Sedlmair, Chief Operating Officer of Lm-therm, and Franz Achter, Chairman of the board of the company, therefore did not miss the opportunity to personally thank the two employees for their commitment and the good cooperation. “Our employees are our most important capital,” says Franz Achter, “they are instrumental in ensuring that Lm-therm holds its own on the world market today as a specialist for industrial air conditioning and continues to develop steadily.”

Starting from the left: Mr. Franz Achter, Mr. Jürgen Gerauer, Mrs. Margot Steiger, Mr. Manfred Sedlmair
Starting from the left: Mr. Franz Achter, Mr. Jürgen Gerauer, Mrs. Margot Steiger, Mr. Manfred Sedlmair